EDSS 530

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reeading Response 5: Schools that Keep Teachers in Teaching

I read this article because I was interested in reading about what a school would be like that invites teachers to stay more than other schools. I found that the author, Deborah Meier, put a large emphasis on building communities within the schools and being a place where teachers and students had good relationships.
Anaylzing this article, it makes me think about all of the teachers that might have been scared out of teaching because of bad school environments. I wonder what the percentage is, but also, if this is what separates the weak from the strong. Of course, another angle to look at from is the fact that good teachers might leave and find better paying jobs in new fields if the school environment is not a hospitable one. I think, however, that the argument this article makes is a valid one, but kind of a nobrainer, espcecially with new ideas companies like Google put into place in order to create a hospitable workforce. I mean who does not want to work in place that is fun and hospitable?
I always approach work with a positive attitude and will take community building skills with me to future places where I teach. I think that if you are able to build community between faculty, staff, and students confrontation will be far less in frequency. The only problem that I see is trying to get through to others teachers who are not in it the whole way.

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