EDSS 530

Friday, March 12, 2010

Discipline Plan

Five Expectations I have in my classroom as far as a disicipline plan is concerned.

The first is respect in the classroom. I think all students should respect other peoples comments and opinions as well as be able to listen to their opinions and take into account their ideas and analyze the values of the opinion. This being broken has quite a few consequences that are both natural and logical. For example, the natural consequence is that this undermines the safety and productivity of the class. The logical consequence is that I will have to talk to those students who constantly disrespect other students on a one on one basis after class.

The second is the use of cell phones and other electronic equipment that does not pertain to the class. If students continue to break these rules, then the natural consequence would be that these devices distract the class while the logical consequence would be to take away these devices after a certain amount of violations.

The third expectation is that students will be on time and ready to learn. The lack therefore to be punctual naturally distracts the class and breaks the first expectation by no respecting the rest of the class's time. The logical consequence would be a tardy slip and detention.

The fourth expectation is that students complete homework and assignments on time. The natural consequence is that these students are not learning the content and failing the class. The logical consequence would be a discussion with students on why they are not completing the assignments.

The fifth expectation would be that students participate in class regularly, engaging the material. Consequences (natural) would be poor discussion in class and a dry working environment.


  1. I like your fourth expectation, but sadly I do not see this often in the classroom. I see many teachers accepting late work. I also see many teachers assigning little to no homework because they say the students just won't turn it in anyway. I feel we need to hold the students to higher expectations and include this in our management.

  2. Is there any way to encourage the fifth expectation you give. A lot of times classes end up dull and dry because students are afraid to speak. At the same time, they do not speak because the class is dry and dull and they do not want to be the odd person. Lovely Catch-22.
