EDSS 530

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Disrupting Class

This week I learned that there are a few things schools should shoot for in order to be successful: Maximize Human Potential, Create School Democracy, Hone Student Skills, and Nuture Student Devolopment. Also schools should differentiate the way they teach according to the students they have in class. This relates well with the Ethnography reading because it displays the importance to understand and know the background of students. Finally, I learned a little more about what my goals should be as an example. For instance, I should help my student solve real world problems, generate new problems to solve, and give them a skill to offer the world once they leave school.
A couple of things I disagreed with were the sections on standardized testing and always introducing new theories about learning. I think as far as standardized testing is concerned the theory is good but since things are motivated by money schools do not really use the test for its real purpose, but rather for a way to earn money. With regards to new theories, there is no real way to test the effectiveness of these new theories without throwing a bunch of money at them.
What I would like to learn more about is how to really implement Gardner's theories into the classroom.

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